US CMA Salary: A Guide for 2022
Ever wonder what the average salary of a US CMA is? As per the Association of Financial and Accountants Professionals, the average salary of a US CMA in the United States for 2019 was $100,000. Including the compensations and bonuses, the median net income for a US CMA is more than $108,000. If you intend to advance your career in accounting and finance then opting for the US CMA course is the best option. Let's move right into our topic "Salary guide of a US CMA in 2022." Expected Salaries of US Certified Management Accountants (US CMA) in 2022: Management Level Median Base Salary All Levels $105,000 Lower $73,717 Middle $100,000 Senior $134,071 Top $150,000 IMA Global Salary Survey: The IMA Global Salary Survey collected information/data from over 3,000 IMA in 80 countries. In 2021, 39.2%...